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Specializing in Orthopedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rehabilitation Services, Internal Medicine, Family Practice and Rheumatology services our experienced providers work with you to create an individualized care plan that will lead you down the path toward wellness.

Help save a life, possibly your own

Victims of uncontrolled bleeding, from any cause, can die within five to 10 minutes. Would you know what to do to stop the bleeding and save a life in the event of an active shooter or disaster where response of emergency personnel is delayed?

The Stop the Bleed campaign was initiated by a federal interagency workgroup convened by the National Security Council Staff, The White House. The purpose of the campaign is to build national resilience by better preparing the public to save lives by raising awareness of basic actions to stop life threatening bleeding. Stop the Bleed is a registered service mark of the Department of Defense.

The Joint Committee to Increase Survival from Active Shooter and Intentional Mass Casualty Events was convened by the American College of Surgeons in response to the growing number and severity of these events. The committee met in Hartford Connecticut and produced a number of documents representing the consensus opinion of medical groups, the military, the National Security Council, Homeland Security, the FBI, law enforcement, fire rescue, and EMS. These recommendations have become known as the Hartford Consensus. The overarching principle of the Hartford Consensus is that no one should die from uncontrolled bleeding. The Hartford Consensus recommends that all citizens learn to stop bleeding.

The 60-minute class gives participants the ability to to recognize life-threatening bleeding and ntervene effectively. Participants learn the various ways to control bleeding, using their hands, a basic first aid kit or full trauma first aid kit.

Cost: Free

Further information about the Hartford Consensus and bleeding control can be found at

To register contact Chris DeLapp, Education Manager at 920-623-1276 or visit our class registration page.