
Strawberry Peach Smoothie with Noni Fruit

Swoosh divider


16 oz


5 minutes


Noni fruit isn’t a very widely known super food, but it definitely belongs on the super food list! Noni is native to tropical regions and is related to coffee. In our smoothie, we are using it in its powdered form, which is less bitter than the fresh fruit. Noni helps reduce inflammation in the body, as well as minor pain associated with headaches or muscle aches. Noni may also help with reducing blood sugar spikes, total cholesterol, and fighting off a cold through its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Noni is also a very rich source of potassium, which may help to lower your blood pressure. Fun Fact: Noni fruit is also known as “The Cheese Fruit”.


1 cup frozen, sliced peaches (can substitute fresh)

1 cup frozen strawberries (can substitute fresh)

¼ t ground ginger

½ banana

½ cup strawberry light yogurt

1 T honey

½ cup water

½ cup ice

½ t Noni powder


Add all ingredients, cover and puree until smooth; make sure to add honey last so it does not freeze over the frozen fruit

Serve immediately or freeze for later. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts:

Calories: 379 Fat: 0.4 g Protein: 5.0 g Carb: 94 g Fiber: 7.9 g

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