

Donate to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation

Thank you for supporting the Prairie Ridge Health Foundation. Learn about our different options for giving.

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Why Give?

Thank you for considering a generous gift to the Prairie Ridge Health Foundation. This year, with the help of generous donors like you, the Prairie Ridge Health Foundation will do great things for the hospital and the communities we serve.

Making an online gift is easy and secure! Click below and fill out the donation form. Your gift will be processed within 24 hours of submission, Monday through Friday. Thank you for your support !

Ways to Give

Make a Gift Online

The Foundation provides funding for a variety of programs and services, including patient care, medical equipment and technology, and community health initiatives. By supporting these programs, we’re able to ensure that our community has access to the highest quality healthcare services. Visit our Foundation page to see current fundraising efforts, and donate online by clicking below.

Make a Gift by Mail

Prefer to make a gift by mail? Click below to download our gift form, and after you complete it, mail it to the address listed at the bottom of the form.

Other Ways to Give

By donating cash, you can provide immediate support that the hospital can use to benefit patients and programs. Additionally, you can receive a full charitable deduction and apply it against a larger percentage of your taxable income compared to a property gift. You can make a cash gift using various payment methods such as check, money order, credit card or wire transfer, and receive a tax deduction for up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income. Excess deductions can be claimed over the next five tax years, and you can also use a cash gift to fund a life-income plan, such as a charitable gift annuity.

If you’re 70½ or older, consider making a tax-free charitable gift to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation from your IRA to maximize benefits for both you and our patients. By transferring a charitable distribution directly from your IRA to the foundation, you can avoid federal and state income taxes while satisfying your required minimum distribution. Plus, you can support the hospital and designate your gift to the program or department that is most meaningful to you. To qualify for the tax-free status, transfers must be made by December 31, and you must be at least 70½ years of age when the gift is made. Contact your IRA administrator to initiate the transfer and inform Prairie Ridge Health Foundation (Foundation@PrairieRidgeHealth) of your gift designation.

By transferring appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation, you can make a significant contribution while avoiding capital gains tax and receiving a charitable income tax deduction based on the fair market value of your shares. You can make an outright gift or fund a gift that provides income for you now and benefits the hospital later, such as a charitable gift annuity. With this giving option, you can direct your gift to a specific fund or purpose and receive gift credit for the fair market value of the securities. To avoid losing the key tax benefit of this gift, we recommend transferring your appreciated securities to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation instead of selling them. Contact your broker and inform them of your gift; your broker will need to call us at (920) 623-1370 for account information.

By naming Prairie Ridge Health Foundation as the irrevocable owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy, you can make a significant gift to the hospital while receiving an immediate income tax deduction for the cash-surrender value of the policy. In some cases, you can use the policy’s cash value to fund a life-income gift, such as a deferred charitable gift annuity, and you can contribute without adversely affecting your cash flow. You can make this gift by naming the foundation the owner and beneficiary of a paid-up life insurance policy, and your charitable deduction will be either the policy’s fair market value or the total of your net premium payments — whichever is less. Please note that the foundation reserves the right to keep the donated policy in force during your lifetime or to terminate it sooner for its cash-surrender value.

By transferring your residential, commercial, or undeveloped real estate to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation, you can make a significant contribution and receive valuable tax benefits. You’ll receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the property, pay no capital gains tax on the transfer, and no longer have to pay real estate taxes, liability insurance, or maintenance costs. Plus, you can direct the proceeds from your gift to a specific hospital department or program. With a charitable remainder unitrust, your gift of real estate can provide a lifetime income stream, and you can receive benefits of a charitable bargain sale if you sell your property to the foundation at a discount. If you donate your home or vacation property as a retained life estate, you can still reserve the right to use it during your lifetime. Please note that we must review and approve the transfer of real estate, and you’ll need an independent appraisal of the property to determine fair market value. Additionally, if there is a mortgage or lien on the property, it could complicate the transfer and result in taxable income for you.

By taking advantage of your employer’s matching gift program, you can increase the impact of your donation to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation. Your employer may even double or triple your gift, so be sure to obtain the appropriate form from your Human Resources Department and send it to us along with your donor card.

By donating books, artwork, equipment, or supplies to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation, you can make a significant contribution and receive an income tax deduction. You’ll receive gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for the appraised value of your gift, and you won’t have to pay capital gains tax provided that your gift satisfies the “related use” requirements of the IRS. In certain cases, you can use personal property to fund a gift that provides income and benefits the hospital, such as a charitable remainder unitrust. Additionally, you can contribute without adversely affecting your cash flow. Please note that for your items to be fully deductible, Prairie Ridge Health Foundation must first determine whether we can use them, so please get in touch by calling (920) 623-1370 or emailing You’ll also need an independent appraisal to determine fair market value for your deduction. If you instruct us to liquidate your donation of personal property for cash, the IRS will limit your charitable deduction to the cost basis of the property, so we recommend your personal donations come without these instructions. Lastly, if we can no longer use or properly care for your donated property, Prairie Ridge Health may sell or dispose of the property at our discretion.

When considering estate and planned giving, we recommend consulting with your financial adviser to determine how to best meet the needs of your family. With further questions, you can contact the Prairie Ridge Foundation Director at (920) 623-1370. In the meantime, we invite you to explore the resources below.

What is Estate Planning and an Introduction to Wills and Trusts
How to Skip Probate and Understanding the Use of Beneficiaries
Giving Throughout Your Lifetime

Leave a Legacy – Ways of Giving Guide
Estate Planning Checklist

Types of planned giving include:

  • Bequests and giving through wills: You can leave a lasting impact on your community’s healthcare by remembering Prairie Ridge Health Foundation with a bequest in your will. Your bequest will qualify for an estate tax charitable deduction. To ensure that your bequest aligns with your wishes, we recommend consulting with your attorney and other advisers.
  • Charitable lead trust: A charitable remainder trust is a valuable tool that can be used to benefit Prairie Ridge Health Foundation by creating a source of income that is paid to the hospital for a set number of years. After this period, your trust assets can be passed on to subsequent family generations. This approach is particularly useful if you have a sizable estate and would like to transfer wealth to your successors in a tax-advantaged manner.
  • Living trusts: revocable and irrevocable: A Living Trust is designed to maintain ownership of your assets during your lifetime and distribute them to charitable institutions like Prairie Ridge Health Foundation after you pass away. It’s important to note that an Irrevocable Living Trust cannot be revoked by its creator.
  • Life insurance: You can make a meaningful contribution to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation by naming the hospital as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
  • Retirement plans: If you have a pension, 401(k), 403(b), or IRA, you may be required to take out Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) once you reach the age of 70 1/2. However, you can opt to donate this money to a qualified charitable organization, such as Prairie Ridge Health Foundation, tax-free.
  • Charitable remainder annuity trust and gift annuity agreement: By setting up a charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity, you can provide income to yourself or your beneficiary(ies) during your lifetime. Upon the passing of the last beneficiary, the principal amount is then transferred to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation. These types of gifts are particularly suitable for smaller donations.
  • Pooled income fund: You can opt to purchase in a commingled trust that provides income to you or your beneficiary(ies) throughout your lifetime, with the principal eventually being transferred to Prairie Ridge Health Foundation after the death of the final beneficiary. Additionally, there are several other ways to make a planned gift, such as through a Real Estate Agreement, Endowment Funds, Real Estate, Life Insurance Endowment Program, or Appreciated Securities.

Prairie Ridge Health constructed a Wellness Walkway around the perimeter of the hospital campus to help promote stress reduction, comfortable healing & wellness, and an active lifestyle. The walkway is used daily by patients, visitors, hospital staff and community members.

Dedication bricks and benches have been placed along the walkway for all to see.Dedication bricks offer a wonderful way to honor or memorialize a loved one, or celebrate and commemorate a special occasion in your life. Three sizes of bricks are available (4″ x 8″ – $50; 8″ x 8″ – $100; 12″ x 12″ – $150). To purchase a dedication brick, complete the form below and mail it to:

PRH Foundation – Wellness Walkway
1515 Park Avenue
Columbus, WI 53925

Brick Order Form

For additional information or questions, call Kristi Line at 920-623-1370.

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